Monthly Archives: March 2008

Think Before You Vote

Alright, it’s getting to that time when we have to choose between the lesser of two evils again.  I can’t say I’m currently happy with either parties particular choices of candidates.

In a nutshell, and in my opinion, the dems have screwed it again with two very highly inexperienced people (again my opinion only) that may have “rock star” recognition but have done nothing.  The Republicans have another old white male that seems to be making bipartisan strides but come on, backing this war still???

So do whatever you want, all I ask from you is to Think Before You Vote.  Make sure you know why you are voting for your candidate.  Make sure you know what they stand for and believe.  Don’t vote for someone because “your” party tells you too.  Vote for the right person, not your party’s person.   Stand up for yourself.  Don’t be part of a herd heading to the slaughter.

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Recall I’m not much of a religious guy but every now and then I can understand why others do and sometimes it gets me thinking, what do I believe?  Well over this past week which lead up to Easter I came up with some ideas for song:

He lived, to show us how

He died, for all our sins

He sacrificed, so others may live

He rose to give us hope

What kind of man?

O’ Lord tell me, what kind of man?

What kind of man would die for all of us?

Oh Lord.

This can be read a few ways.  One way is from a true Christian standpoint, Jesus did all these things.  Another is from a non-believer, doubter, etc… did he do this?  Or from my standpoint, I understand a person named Jesus may have lived and preached a positive worthwhile message but I’m not really sure I believe he was the Son of God, but that doesn’t really lessen any of his teachings.  I learned along time a go that “the Truth is the Truth” it doesn’t matter what language or religion you believe.  Be nice to one another.  Treat others as you want to be treated.  Treat others like they are your brother, sister, father or mother.  How hard can that be?

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